New industry
The building’s rigorous frame was delivered in 1973. Its elegant metal post and beam structure is flocked asbestos. Rehabilitation was undertaken in the early 2000s and then stopped at the extent of asbestos removal to undertake. In 2010, GDF SUEZ has undertaken a comprehensive reflection on the site and decided to perpetuate this real estate assets in the complete renovation of the building after asbestos removal.
Resumption was entrusted to Phileas workshop. The ambition of architects is to transform the technical constraints in architectural appreciation. That the client is to initiate a fundamental shift in the direction of the real estate group.
In addition, GDF SUEZ decided to put his ship in accordance with the RT 2012 and aim labeling "commercial building BBC" by increasing the energy performance of the building.
Convinced of the intrinsic architectural quality of the building, the architects have a dialogue and technical architecture. The project extends the qualities of the existing architecture by adding shading on a glass facade. It includes a photovoltaic system and is equipped with metal bridges maintenance.
These items exceed their condition "environmental gimmicks" to merge with the building structure and the nature of the project.